Need a speaker?

Planning a Conference?

Have you got an event or workshop planned that would be made better with an experienced speaker? Padua Communications has helped various organisations to deliver informative and entertaining presentations relaying our expertise in business communications, marketing, PR and social media.

Create a conversation

Business communications are ever changing. Trying to tie up your business strategy with your customer service, internal and external communications is a complex topic, but Padua Communications’ MD Nicky Rudd is able to deliver the fundamentals of this challenging area in a simple and common sense manner.


Nicky has a naturally positive, upbeat style and she is highly knowledgeable about business life and the issues every business owner faces, without being too technical or speaking in jargon. She is passionate about business communications and always aims to inspire her audience. No one leaves one of Nicky’s presentations without a renewed passion and a clear understanding of what they can achieve with their business goals, whether in marketing, communications, social media or content.


Nicky creates tailored presentations, customised for your specific needs, interspersed with energy and good humour, and with real business examples to keep delegates engaged. Presentations focus on key messages that are straight to the point. Nicky is happy to speak in a more traditional speaker platform format or in more of an interactive format as part of a panel discussion or workshop.

What delegates say

And she has received some great feedback…

“Informative, direct approach providing real tools”

“Great source of current information and top tips”


Marketing strategyNicky is able to speak on all aspects of business communications including:

  • Creative content for on and offline business communications
  • PR and working with the media
  • Internal communications
  • Strategic marketing
  • Social media
  • Branding and defining messages
  • Building a marketing/comms campaign
  • Clever steps to Brand Heaven

Nicky has been a speaker at events for the following organisations:

  • Business Link
  • The Athena Network
  • Connect2Innovation/ Woking Borough Council
  • Surrey Chambers of Commerce
  • Banbury Women Business Network
  • WIN (Woking Independent Network)
  • Kingston and Richmond Women’s Network
  • Rabbit events
  • Webster Consultancy for Berkshire Means Business
  • Elmbridge Women In Business

So, if you need a speaker to liven up your event, contact us on [email protected] to see how we can help.

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